Monday, November 16, 2009

What are the benefits of Senior Immigrants in the State of Texas?

1. Food stamps or food assistance?

2. Medical and dental assistance?

3. Cash or emergency assistance?

4. Other benefits?

What are the benefits of Senior Immigrants in the State of Texas?
Hope this helps, and it does illustrate that Senior immigrants are not proposed to receive preferred status%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

"Immigrant Benefits Focus of Welfare Reform Challenges

Activists opposing welfare reform are challenging the new law through court suits. Many will focus on cessation of benefits to legal noncitizen immigrants totaling 40 percent of the $55 billion savings over six years.

The GOP-sponsored welfare reform bill signed in August:

* Ends food stamps and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for most adult legal noncitizen immigrants now receiving them -- a provision President Clinton wants to abandon.

* Bars future noncitizen immigrants from getting most forms of federal aid during their first five years in this country.

* Authorizes, but does not require, states to cut off, Medicaid and social services for noncitizens.

From 1986 to 1993, the noncitizen caseload under SSI grew on average 15 percent a year with evidence of fraud involved, according to the General Accounting Office.

Major challenges will emerge in California, which is home to a third of the nation's immigrants. In April, the state intends to begin cutting off food stamps from some 373,000 of 436,000 legal immigrants now getting them. Prominent among the groups challenging welfare reform is the American Civil Liberties Union.

However, the cuts are not as all-encompassing as some opposition rhetoric makes them appear. Legal immigrants can retain their welfare benefits by becoming citizens -- as many are already doing. And many noncitizen immigrants are exempted from the cutoffs: refugees, political asylum seekers, U.S. military veterans, victims of domestic violence, children on food stamps or SSI or immigrants employed in the U.S. for at least 10 years."

Source: Carl Horowitz, "Taking Welfare Reform

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