Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anyone know of a Free Dental Clinic in NH?

I have two wisdom teeth that are broken under the gums, one of which is causing amazing pain in my bottom left jaw, and now my left ear (feels like the ear infections I used to get as a kid). Someone told me it is called an abses? I cannot afford to have a regular dentist do the work as I am still reeling from a child custody battle which ruined my credit, and am still struggling to pay my emergency room bill from last year... It is so painful that I cannot sleep now.

Does anyone know of any free services I can utilize?

I live close to Dartmouth College in NH, but could not find any info online about this question...

Please only serious answers, as this is a painfully serious question.

Thank you for your help!

Anyone know of a Free Dental Clinic in NH?
Contact the New Hampshire Dental Society or visit their website. They should be able to give you a listing of dental clinics and dentists that provide free, sliding scale or low-set fee dental services. A local school of dentistry clinic may be on the list. I couldn't locate a school of dentistry in New Hampshire and I am not sure how far you are from the Massachusetts Dental Schools. Check out the's website for a listing of Massachusetts dental schools. They may have dental clinics.
Reply:You need to get to a dentist. That tooth can easily get infected and then you will have big trouble if it spreads throughout your body. I can imagine that you must be in much pain. You can work out a payment plan with the dentist. They know people with emergencies don't have cash .

So, get out your yellow pages and look up dentists and 24 hour services. Another option is the ER. But really, get help. That pain is only going to get worse. Good luck. I'll be thinking about you.
Reply:I know you said you can't afford to go to a regular dentist,,so you may want to look into a discount dental plan. You can still go to a general dentist but get services at a discounted price. AmeriPlan has a great dental discount plan for only $19.95 a month and you will receive savings of up to 80%. I don't know if this is feasible for you, but if it is, its something to look into, and another option for affordable quality dental care.

You can look at the website and see if this is something that could help you with your wisdom teeth.

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